Ctrl + Enter | Queue up current graph for generation |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter | Queue up current graph as first for generation |
Ctrl + Alt + Enter | Cancel current generation |
Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + Y | Undo/Redo |
Ctrl + S | Save workflow |
Ctrl + O | Load workflow |
Ctrl + A | Select all nodes |
Alt + C | Collapse/uncollapse selected nodes |
Ctrl + M | Mute/unmute selected nodes |
Ctrl + B | Bypass selected nodes (acts like the node was removed from the graph and the wires reconnected through) |
Delete/Backspace | Delete selected nodes |
Ctrl + Backspace | Delete the current graph |
Space | Move the canvas around when held and moving the cursor |
Ctrl/Shift + Click | Add clicked node to selection |
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V | Copy and paste selected nodes (without maintaining connections to outputs of unselected nodes) |
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + Shift + V | Copy and paste selected nodes (maintaining connections from outputs of unselected nodes to inputs of pasted nodes) |
Shift + Drag | Move multiple selected nodes at the same time |
Ctrl + D | Load default graph |
Alt + + | Canvas Zoom in |
Alt + - | Canvas Zoom out |
Ctrl + Shift + LMB + Vertical drag | Canvas Zoom in/out |
Q | Toggle visibility of the queue |
H | Toggle visibility of history |
R | Refresh graph |
Double-Click LMB | Open node quick search palette |
Shift + Drag | Move multiple wires at once |
Ctrl + Alt + LMB | Disconnect all wires from clicked slot |
🆕 Ctrl + G | Create a group with selected nodes frontend version>=1.2.39 |