ComfyUI Offical Keybinding

Ctrl + EnterQueue up current graph for generation
Ctrl + Shift + EnterQueue up current graph as first for generation
Ctrl + Alt + EnterCancel current generation
Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + YUndo/Redo
Ctrl + SSave workflow
Ctrl + OLoad workflow
Ctrl + ASelect all nodes
Alt + CCollapse/uncollapse selected nodes
Ctrl + MMute/unmute selected nodes
Ctrl + BBypass selected nodes (acts like the node was removed from the graph and the wires reconnected through)
Delete/BackspaceDelete selected nodes
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the current graph
SpaceMove the canvas around when held and moving the cursor
Ctrl/Shift + ClickAdd clicked node to selection
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + VCopy and paste selected nodes (without maintaining connections to outputs of unselected nodes)
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + Shift + VCopy and paste selected nodes (maintaining connections from outputs of unselected nodes to inputs of pasted nodes)
Shift + DragMove multiple selected nodes at the same time
Ctrl + DLoad default graph
Alt + +Canvas Zoom in
Alt + -Canvas Zoom out
Ctrl + Shift + LMB + Vertical dragCanvas Zoom in/out
QToggle visibility of the queue
HToggle visibility of history
RRefresh graph
Double-Click LMBOpen node quick search palette
Shift + DragMove multiple wires at once
Ctrl + Alt + LMBDisconnect all wires from clicked slot
🆕 Ctrl + GCreate a group with selected nodes frontend version>=1.2.39

EasyUse Additional Keybinding

Up/Down/Left/RightJump to nearest nodes when you selected a node (Include get set node)
ALT + 1~9Paste nodes from nodes template
Shift + Up/Down/Left/RightAlign selected nodes
Shift + ALT + Ctrl + Left/RightDistribute nodes to horizontal or vertical
Shift + Ctrl + Left/RightNormalize selected nodes to same width or height
Shift + RUnload models and node cache
Shift + GSame as Ctrl + G of Official new keybinding
Shift + MToggle visibility of the nodes map